Install the Rubo DICOM Viewer

Run the setup file to install. Accept the license terms and click through all the setup screens. If you are using a USB Hardware Key License, make sure that 'USB Hardware Key Drivers / Install drivers' on the 'Select Additional Task' is checked.
Firewall rules for DICOM communication are installed automatically.
The setup file with the latest build of the DICOM Viewer can be downloaded here: download page.

The following extensions will be associated with the DICOM viewer, enabling direct view of DICOM files from the Windows explorer:
Environment variable 'RuboDicomViewer' is created upon installation, holding the installation folder of the DICOM viewer. Default 32-bit installation folder is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\DICOMviewer'.

Check out the Licensing help files how to obtain a free 7-day license.